After being turned down for health insurance:
· What can you do?
· What choices are available to you?
· What are the common reasons for rejection?
If you are denied health insurance coverage to individuals as a result of existing health conditions, contact your service provider for their offerings and prices. Not all companies use the same guidelines in their health insurance options are also not all offer the same package.
Do not assume that rejected desserts by one company all of the other companies will follow. You can also call an independent insurance agent.
Seek health insurance companies who don't care about the questionnaire. You can even consider accepting a minimum coverage for a small fee. Take this option only as a very last resort as almost all plans that have no medical underwriting may be considered a discount plan in disguise and will not provide adequate coverage.
There are a few countries which has 29 high risk pool name selection. This plan was created for people who are considered by insurance companies as too risky or people that can be classified as medically uninsurable.
This pool provides some form of health insurance for individual classes. With this type of cover, you will not be denied and you will also cover with huge medical bills.
There are many disadvantages to this type of cover the risks that should be considered before someone decides to join.
Some countries may terminate Your cover should be laws passed against the cover, premiums are much higher than other plans and when you move or start using Medicare or Medicaid, it might be not eligible.
To find out more about high risk pools or whether the State is among the 29 who offers this service, contact your health insurance broker in your state.
The 1996 health insurance portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) opened the door for new people who are unable for any reason to get health insurance. These actions include a law that stated that no individual who would like to join a group health plan may be refused health insurance for any reason. Thus, we suggest that you join an organization that offers group health insurance cover, you can't be denied health insurance, except for the requirements of the employer.
Some of the requirements that can affect You is the number of hours of work per week or any type of contract, salary or hourly paid. Of particular note is that you can still deny health insurance for pre existing conditions.
But you can still get the cover with preexisting conditions if you will have continuous health insurance coverage for a period that includes at least12 months.
This does not guarantee Your cover, though. If there is a hose (break) in the cover, the scope of the group you can apply for an exemption period of wear, where. You will not be covered for medical expenses related to the condition. The insurance company will not pay any costs, however, include visiting medical doctor, deals with the conditions that existed during the period of validity of this exception.